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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Open de Calais #4 - TeamMate Edition

1.Team 17
Antoine aka "gitsnik"FNantesShadow Collective
Nicolas aka "Nicoco"FVendéeRebels
Guillaume aka "Booggy"FNantesGalactic Republic
2.Rancor malade
Fred aka "Angelfred"FSuresnesEmpire
Hugo aka "Otak"FParisSeparatists
José Miguel aka "KingMinos"FParisEmpire
3.Galactic Perfid
Kevin aka "Raz"FLieusaintSeparatists
Flo aka "CapitaineBanane"FVigneux-Sur-SeineShadow Collective
Dari aka "Dari"FCaenGalactic Republic
4.Belgian Dream
Enguerrand aka "Engue"Blouvain-la-neuveGalactic Republic
Sebastien aka "Hill"BBilstainGalactic Republic
Gianluca aka "Luca465"BMontigny-Le-TilleulRebels
5.Perfid Galaxy Fake News
Julien aka "Merou"FMontgeronShadow Collective
Clément aka "Murmure"FAndrésyEmpire
Régis aka "Wiwef"FGrand BréauGalactic Republic
6.Buc best wargame
Alexis aka "ALX-E"FPalaiseauGalactic Republic
Kevin aka "tyrion60"FPoissyRebels
Christophe aka "LeDoc91"FMassyGalactic Republic
7.Buc Wargame
Guillaume aka "Poups"FBucSeparatists
Benjamin aka "BenCh"FBucEmpire
Victor aka "zorkon"FLE PECQRebels
8.Team 12
Patrick aka "Katsumoto"FVilleneuve D'ascqEmpire
Olivier aka "Tig-tar"FParisRebels
Louis aka "Dark-Louis"FVilleneuve D'ascqSeparatists
Thomas aka "Varathorn"FRaimbeaucourtGalactic Republic
Edouard aka "Ari-"FLa CoutureRebels
Clement aka "Skyenne"FSailly-Sur-La-LysGalactic Republic
10.La bad biatch et les autres
Thibaud aka "bolard"BEmbourgSeparatists
Pierre aka "Ct-117"BLiègeEmpire
Manon aka "Bad_Biatch"BEsneuxRebels
11.Le Réveil de l’Aube
David aka "grandada73"Fsainte savineEmpire
Regis aka "Prince2Lavau"FLavauGalactic Republic
Guillaume aka "Paipito"FSaint André Les VergersGalactic Republic
Florian aka "Dark-Florian"FMarckEmpire
Vincent aka "khaldudu"FCalaisGalactic Republic
Valentin aka "TheVengeur"FCoulogneGalactic Republic
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