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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Bergischer Wichteltag

1.Tim aka "TimBombadil"DVellmarThe Wanderers in the Wild
2.Cornelius aka "koenig-Elessar"DMettmannMinas Tirith
3.Tonio aka "TonyLemony"DKölnHarad
4.Andy aka "Dunkelelbandy"DKerpen-Horrem,-TürnichThe Serpent Horde
5.Andreas aka "Avalon_"DBurscheidThe Dead of Dunharrow
6.Caspar aka "CH175"DMettmannRivendell
7.Chris aka "Quristian"DDüsseldorfMoria
8.Miles Nicolai aka "TheGorgon"DWuppertalGuardians of the Carrock
9.Johann aka "Argetlam"DSolingenIsengard
10.Gero aka "Cryptock"DKerpenRivendell
11.Felix aka "Axess"DRemscheidThe Fiefdoms
12.Julia aka "Goldbeere"DVellmarThe Wanderers in the Wild
13.Robert aka "Onenote"DSolingenThe Wizards
14.Noel aka "Cicero"DRemscheidRohan
15.Tobias aka "Jakob_der_Spatz"DWuppertalThe Shire
16.Moritz aka "iMBalin"DKielThe Eagles of the Misty Mountains
17.Franziska aka "Schildmaid"DGevelsbergRohan
18.Mark W.DBergheimThe Easterlings
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