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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Nemesis Vol.2

1.Thomas aka "Scharossar"BWoluwe-Saint-LambertLegions of Nagash
2.Idris aka "Rambo69"BBruxellesGrand Alliance Chaos
3.Sev aka "SevKe"BBruxellesStormcast Eternals
4.Franck aka "Goul"FVilleneuve d'AscqLegions of Nagash
5.Thierry aka "Castagnier"BHoudeng-AimeriesFlesh-eater Courts
6.Jason aka "Deadbow"BMelseleMaggotkin of Nurgle
7.Victor aka "neojarlaxe"BKraainemGrand Alliance Chaos
8.Julien aka "godtbilator"BBruxellesMaggotkin of Nurgle
9.Jan aka "minisnatcher"BTienenIdoneth Deepkin
10.Kian aka "La_Bilytude"BBruxellesWanderers
11.Spyros aka "Spyros_K"BBruxellesBlades of Khorne
12.Grégory aka "Psychoboy"BLillois-WitterzéeStormcast Eternals
13.Johan aka "Dimnorkas"BDeux-AcrenStormcast Eternals
14.Michael aka "Chubbysaur"BBeverenBlades of Khorne
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