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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - SteamClash Janvier 2015 - 35pts

1.Peter aka "PeterStone"BNamurLegion of Everblight
2.Ronan aka "Baby-Dragon"BNamurLegion of Everblight
3.Quentin aka "Qu1nthus"FLilleThe Skorne
4.Sylvain aka "Lelith"FVilleneuve d'ascqThe Circle Orboros
5.Mickael aka "Mamibaba"FLes Rues Des VignesCryx
6.Cedric aka "Cedryc"BBruxellesProtectorate of Menoth
7.Michael aka "driks"BBruxellesMinions
8.Guibert aka "Sylv3r"BNamurTrollblood
9.Emilien aka "Emilien"BNamurKhador
10.Eric aka "Tensei"BBruxellesProtectorate of Menoth
11.Pol aka "sciondar"BNamurKhador
12.Gauthier aka "GTX"BEguezéeProtectorate of Menoth
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