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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Drachenwut V (WM/HO Teamturnier)

1.Gladius Vicit
Martin aka "Tairache"DWilburgstettenCryx
Andreas aka "Arydien"DStephanskirchenKhador
2.We are Godzilla you are Tokyo
Robert aka "Kabraxiss"DAugsburgCryx
Tobi aka "Nobody"DAugsburgCygnar
3.Die M&Ms
Matthias aka "THE_MONK"DGermeringThe Circle Orboros
Matthias aka "Celeb"DHofThe Skorne
4.Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...Stuff
Julian aka "Saviour"DFreisingKhador
Ulrich aka "C0lt"DUlmConvergence of Cyriss
Viktor aka "Inkasso_Moskau"DAugsburgKhador
Steffen aka "Thaddeus"DUlmProtectorate of Menoth
Josef aka "JayHay"DAugsburgRetribution of Scyrah
Jonny aka "TheGator"DAugsburgMinions
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