T³ - TableTop Turniere
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NTRv3.0 - Turnierergebnisse - tournoi warmachine/hordes à Vannes

1.Julien aka "Gamin"FQuerqueville CherbourgThe Circle Orboros
2.Sébastien aka "saemrath"FlorientThe Circle Orboros
3.Gauthier aka "bourrin"FQuestembertKhador
4.Guillaume aka "Booggy"FNantesCygnar
5.Rémy aka "Shoofshoof"FCommequiersCryx
6.Jean-Marc aka "Edoval"FRennesTrollblood
7.Cristophe aka "vitzerai"FAngersTrollblood
8.Christophe aka "Xobal"BLasne-Chapelle-Saint-LambertKhador
9.(anonym)Convergence of Cyriss
10.Nicolas aka "Nicoco"FLa Chapelle AchardCygnar
11.Thomas aka "Balthazar1er"FAngersCryx
12.Richard aka "richie"FRennesKhador
13.Christophe aka "skyller"FLe boupèreLegion of Everblight
14.Frederic aka "totorisback"FBain De BretagneTrollblood
15.Timothé aka "Ihmotep"FTrédionRetribution of Scyrah
16.Alexis aka "Dutch"FVannesProtectorate of Menoth
17.Aurélien aka "lien"FGrand ChampTrollblood
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