ETR - Turnierergebnisse - A la conquête du Graal 2
Platzierung | Name | Herkunft | Armee |
1. | Franck aka "Goul" | Villeneuve d Ascq | Legions of Nagash |
2. | Camille aka "Loukrage" | Paris | Ironjawz |
3. | Alain aka "naruto02100" | Harly | Stormcast Eternals |
4. | Sam aka "Sma" | Paris | Seraphon |
5. | José Miguel aka "KingMinos" | Paris | Kharadron Overlords |
6. | Hugo aka "Hu_goh" | Saint-Julien-Les-Villas | Hedonites of Slaanesh |
7. | Jordy aka "Finiarela" | Les Lilas | Legions of Nagash |
8. | Guillaume aka "Superdormeur" | Paris | Seraphon |
9. | Clément aka "Yasha" | Chevilly-Larue | Skaven |
10. | Victor aka "Vico75" | Puteaux | Skaven |
11. | Alexandre aka "lucassky" | Bellenglise | Ossiarch Bonereapers |
12. | Gérald aka "Lamnoire" | Châtenay Malabry | Daughters of Khaine |
13. | Alexandre aka "alexouille" | Harly | Beasts of Chaos |
14. | Alexandre aka "Kob75" | Paris | Gloomspite Gitz |
15. | Mallory aka "Malonea" | Grandlup Et Fay | Hedonites of Slaanesh |
16. | Valentin aka "Nightwish59" | Armentieres | Fyreslayers |
17. | Baudoin aka "Riskane" | On | Disciples of Tzeentch |
18. | Sylvain aka "kykyl" | Grandlup Et Fay | Flesh-eater Courts |
19. | Robert aka "Swarmlord" | Villeneuve St Germain | Ironjawz |
20. | Pascal aka "Pascal02" | Tergnier | Disciples of Tzeentch |
21. | Matthieu aka "LUPETTE" | Soissons | Ogor Mawtribes |
22. | Anthony aka "AnthoPrime" | Fosse | Stormcast Eternals |