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2013 GRAND BELGIUM OPEN FANTASY - Informationen und Regeln

Belgian Grand Open 2013

1. What

The Belgian Grand Open is an initiative taken by the chair of the Ranking der Nederlanden, and is basically a two-dayer tournament, for both WHFB and WH40K, organized by the Ranking, especially called into life as an extra treat for its player base and for all those who are unfamiliar with the concept of the Ranking or unable to regularly compete in it due to time/family constraints.

For those last people it is an excellent opportunity to experience a Ranking event first-hand, and for our regular player base we hope this event gives them an opportunity to measure their worth against a score of new people, and to give them the opportunity to mettle with the best of the best.

The Belgian Grand Open wants to be as open to everyone as possible, even for those who are just interested to come take a peek at all the action. Everyone is welcome.

The Belgian Grand Open will also be the event where the Ranking Der Nederlanden will commemorate all those players who pulled off an achievement in the previous ranking year:

Globetrotter Award (most tournaments played)
Rookie Of The Year Award (youngest player who has attended one of our tournaments)
Warmaster Award (will be handed the Sword of Ages)
Paintmaster Award (best painted armies at the event),
Rising Star Award (player with the best RTR score over the year)

We hope all those worthy of such a trophy will honor us with their presence during the tournament.

What follows are all the necessary rules and relevant restrictions for the tournament. Please read them carefully. We are always open for feedback should you have ANY. Please contact rankingdernederlanden@gmail.com.for all inquiries/remarks, thanks!

2. When and where

The 3rd Belgian Grand Open will be a two day event held on Saturday and Sunday November 9th and 10th. The location will be: Halletoren (first floor), Grote Markt, 8000 Bruges, Belgium.

3. Event details

Participating in the event will cost 40€ per person/ 45 Euro box office. Inscribing can be done by sending an email to:
alex@rankingdernederlanden.eu, or alternatively (and preferably) by registering directly via the T3 website (links can be found below).

Be sure to include your name, club affiliation and army you’d be playing and emphasize it’s for the Belgian Grand Open if and when you do send an email! You will be given the payment details once you subscribed. Your payment will serve as a pre-inscription. You can also still subscribe the day of the event itself, providing there is enough place to accommodate more players of course (100 for fantasy and 100 for 40k is the cap-off). Be sure to inquire by email if there is still place available! Keep an eye on our website www.rankingdernederlanden.eu or on the T3 link below to see if the tournament has reached its capacity or not. The tournament schedule itself can be found later in this document.

Send in your armylist by email to rankingdernederlanden@gmail.com before October 30th. Include your name, your club and if you want to share it, also your phone number on the document. The filename of the document SHOULD include your name and the army you play so we can easily reference it in searches and whatnot. Armybuilder files accepted, but not in the armybuilder format. Please only send your armylist in as .xls, .txt, .pdf or .doc. Include all special rules relevant to your army and/or its units, together with the profile of said unit. If there are models with different profiles or gear within the unit (like Ogre Kingdoms maneater units or Space Wolf Wolf Guard), do make a separate entry so it is clearly distinguishable where you spent your points. 5 Penalty Points will be deducted from your overall score if the format is not clear from the first go!

To make our administrative task easier, we ask all players to subscribe to the tournament via the T3 website:

………………………………………… (WHFB)
………………………………………… (40K)

4. Timetable


09.00 || 10.00 || Introduction and registration
10.00 || 13.00 || First battle
13.00 || 13.15 || Quizz
13.15 || 14.00 || Afternoon break
14.00 || 17.00 || Second battle
17.00 || 20.00 || Third battle


09.00 || 09.30 || Players arrive
09.30 || 12.30 || Fourth battle
12.30 || 13.30 || Afternoon break, Best Army Award vote
13.45 || 16.45 || Fifth battle
17.00 || 17.30 || Award Ceremony

5. WHFB Tournament Details and Scoring

There are several ways to score points during this tournament. In total there are 140 points to claim:

- Painting: 20 points
- Sportsmanship: 5 points
- Army List: 5 points
- Quiz: 10 points
- Command points: 100 points

5.1 Painting

Painting is an important part of the hobby and as such, we’re reintroducing the painting aspect into the total score earned during the two days. We kindly ask to bring along a fully painted army, bearing at least 3 base colours and with fully based models. Playing with a (partially) unpainted army is not forbidden but will earn you zero painting points, and you will be automatically precluded from winning ANY prizes during the tournament.

We ask all players to put their armies on display after battle 1 of the first day. This on the table last played. Scenery cannot be moved. For players who have brought a scenic display, we ask to consult the organization. A separate table will be provided.

A total of 20 painting points can be earned. We understand that not everybody is on the same level of painting or are equally interested in the painting aspect of the hobby. We’ve chosen to use a checklist who awards players who have completed painting their WHOLE army as a minimum and a small percentage of the points to players who have gone the extra mile to make their army shine.

Following checklist will be used:

Basic painting: 0/4/8/9-12.

0 points: nothing or less than half of the army is painted and no further painting points are awarded.

4 points: a minimum of half the army is painted. and no further painting points are awarded.

8 points: all models in your army are painted.

9 to12 points: all models in your army are painted and you have gone that extra mile by using elaborate painting techniques (shading, washing, freehand), or working your army further out by a coherent overall look and extra’s like a scenic table or having worked out a background on your army (history, names,…)

So putting a minimum of effort into painting your army will earn you half of the maximum in painting points. With painting we mean at least 3 colors on each model.


0 points: some of your models do not represent what they are on your army list.

3 points: all of your models do not represent what they are on your army list.

The use of incomplete models, replacements (proxies) and/ or empty bases is not allowed.
The use of non-GW models is allowed, but must be recognizable in some sort of degree AND clearly communicated with your opponent.

WYSIWIG does include markings, unit upgrades, and so on… . Magical items (apart from weapons and armor) do not have to be visible. An obvious example of this is a dispel scroll.

Basing: 0/2/3

0 points: at least 1 of you bases is not painted and/or flocked.

2 points: all of your bases are painted and flocked.

3 points: all of your bases are painted and flocked AND your movement trays.

Conversions 0/1/2

0 points: there are no conversions in your army.

1 point: at least 1 model in your army has had a significant conversion. This will be judged by our painting judges and not open for debate.

2 points: 1 unit of at least 5 models has had a significant conversion. This will be judged by our painting judges and not open for debate.

Best painted Army

Each player will be given a voting card during registration. Voting for the best painted army during the tournament can be done on the second day, where a selected group of armies will be nominated and put on display for all the players to vote on.

5.2 Sportsmanship

Every player starts with 5 points. Points from this score can be deducted in following cases:

Not following a ruling by a judge, either after a discussion or otherwise (rules, delay of play, not following the timetable,…). 5 points are deducted automatically after a first warning, the consequence of a second warning is elimination from the tournament.

After each battle, each player can ask to deduct 1 sportsmanship point from his opponent in relation to the battle played. The reason(s) for this have to be communicated to the tournament organization, and both players will be briefed about our decision. If this happens more than once during the tournament, the 5 points are automatically lost, and elimination from the tournament may be considered. We expect everyone to be fair and gentlemen-like towards their opponents. If you don't live by these tenets you'll have to face the consequences.

Of course, these are methods of last resort and we hope that everyone will have a good time without any of the above happening.

5.3 Army list

If your army list is sent before 25th of October 23:59 and is correct, clear and concise from the first go, you’ll be awarded 5 battle points. In all other cases, no points will be awarded.

5.4 Quiz

On the first day, a quiz will be held. This will consist of 10 questions, of which 5 will concern rules-questions and the other 5 about the background. Each correct answer will add 1 point to you total battle points total. There will be an additional (rather tough) question for which no point is awarded, but will be used as a tie breaker for the ‘Loremaster’ prize.

5.5 Command points

The majority of the points can of course be earned through playing battles! 5 battles will be played during the weekend, each with a maximum score of 20. The following victory points table will be used for each of the 5 battles.

0 - 200
201 - 400
401 - 600
601 - 800
801 - 1000
1001 - 1200
1201 - 1400
1401 - 1600
1601 - 1800
1801 - 2000
2000 +


The first round will be paired randomly, although team members will not have to play against each other in the first round (do not forget to mention your club during inscription). From the second round on, pairings will be made according to the standings (1st against 2nd, 3rd against 4th, and so on). More details can be found in the WHFB rules set (below).

5.6 Awards

The Overall Tournament Winner will be the one who, at the end of the second day has gathered the most battle points during the weekend.

Additionally there will be prizes for:

Best General (top 3).
Best Overall (top 3).
Loremaster (Quiz).
Best Painted Army (top 3).

6. WH40K Tournament Details and Scoring

Just like last year, the tournament is adhering to a W/D/L format, with battle points immediately factored into your score as tiebreaker. Each round/game has a total of 13 possible Command Points. Whoever has the most points wins the round. Equal points is a tie. There are no degrees of victory, winning by 1 point or 13 is just as good (though important for tiebreaker points). A player scores 1,000 pts for a win, 500 pts for a tie, in addition to any Command Points accumulated within the game. For instance, a player with a 4-0-1 record who accumulated 47 points in all of his games would end with a final score of 4,047 points. Your W/L/D record will thus trump accumulated points, but points earned throughout the tournament matter in determining your precise ranking in the event.
NOTE: Any battles that do not go beyond turn 4 will always be considered a draw where each side scores 0 scenario points.

All players that submit their army list on time and proceed with payment within the alotted timeframe will be handed the score of a win at the end of the tournament. Painting will NOT influence the outcome of the tournament, but best painted awards will be accorded to the three most beautiful armies. This will be a players choice amongst a selection chosen by the organisation. There will be a 40K Quizz on the first day, with 20 tough question based on 40K background. Most will be multiple choice. Each correct answer grants you 50 extra tournament points. Unsportsmanlike behavior (including any discussions that seem to stem from Win At All Costs mentalities) will be penalised on the spot as seen fit by the referee in question. It pays to be a gentleman in all things gaming.

6.1 Basic Rules
One can spend 1850 points for army composition, making use of one Force Organisation Chart.
We use the Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition ruleset.
Armies have to follow all the restrictions as detailed in their codex, taking into account the last set of FAQ’s that appeared on the GW site.
Allies Matrix is used, codex supplements are in, with all their restrictions, as well as fortifications, including Firestorm Redoubt, Vengeance Weapons battery .
Each army can use Forgeworld 40K approved models, as long as they provide the correct rules for said model and actually have the Forgeworld model (or a converted one that is at least 90% similar).
Terrain placed by players before each battle according to the rulebook.
Al your models have to oblige the WYSIWYG rule for as far as that is possible. Please take the time to explain things to your opponent in case you are not fielding a fully WYSIWYG army before the battle starts.
The use of converted figures is allowed as long as it does not lead to confusion or gives you an unfair advantage on the battlefield.
Special and Unique Characters may be used.
Mysterious objectives are used every mission.
Warlord traits are generated as described in the rulebook (and/or your codex).

6.2 Army List

If your army list is sent before 30th of October 23:59 and is correct, clear and concise from the first go, you’ll be awarded the points for a round win at the end of the Tournament. In all other cases, no points will be awarded. Make sure you include all unit upgrades in a clear way (especially in the case of Wolfguard, Crypteks, or any unit with complex makeup).

6.3 Quizz

On the first day, a quiz will be held. This will consist of 20 multiple choice questions relating to the background. Each correct answer will add 50 points to you tournament score. Winner of the Quizz will receive our 'Loremaster' Award.

6.4 The Missions

For the purposes of the tournament, each player has to bring 3 objective markers on a standard 40 mm base (terminator sized models). Rulesbook dictates how to place objectives in every mission.

All special rules (scouts, outflanking, deepstrike, reserves, random game length) are always in play. The wipe-out rules are in effect during the entire tournament, meaning that players that wipe out the opposing army to the last man/vehicle/monster/… automatically score a win with maximum points for that round.

Game ends immediately when the tournament judge says that time has elapsed. Players should not begin a new turn if there is insufficient time remaining to complete the turn. Last round will be called 30-45 minutes before the Round’s deadline. Games where both players didn’t play at least 4 full turns will always be counted as being a draw. Purposely stalling to not get past round 4 will not be regarded lightly and as is only normal such behaviour will be penalised.

Each Round is built up using two book missions played simultaneously with all 3 book bonus points (FB, LB, STW). Each mission is distinct, for example, Heavy Support units in Big Guns Never Tire can not take the Relic. Winning one mission earns that player its points. If a mission is tied, neither player earns the points. Any bonus points earned via Warlord traits, etc. apply to the primary mission only. For example, if your Warlord becomes a scoring unit, that will only apply to the primary mission.

In the Scouring, each player places 2 objectives in their opponent’s deployment zone and 1 outside of either player’s deployment zone following normal objective placement rules (6 total on the board for the Scouring). Each player has a 1, 2, and 3 point objective, which are revealed just before the roll to seize the initiative. You will end up with 2 objectives in no man’s land, and 2 in each deployment zone. Destroying fast attack choices counts for points to this mission.

In Big Guns Never Tire, each player places 2 objectives, one in their own deployment zone, the other in their opponent’s following normal objective placement rules (4 total for this objective on the table). You will end up with 2 in each deployment zone. Destroying Heavy Support choices counts for points to this mission.

Book bonus points are added to the total, not to each mission. For example, if you win the Primary mission, lose the Secondary Mission, and get First Blood, Slay the Warlord, but not Linebreaker, you would have scored 8 points total (6 for primary, 0 for secondary and 2 of the 3 book bonus points for 8 total). You will have a score sheet for each round that makes tallying the points very straightforward.

Scenario round 1 - Emperor’s Will (6pts) and Crusade (4pts): Dawn of War Deployment. There are always 3 Crusade Objectives placed outside of either player’s deployment zone. Emperor’s Will objectives are placed in each player’s own deployment zone.

Scenario round 2 - The Scouring (6pts) and Purge the Alien (4pts): Hammer and Anvil Deployment. There are always 6 objectives for The Scouring, 2 of which must always go outside either player’s deployment zone. See scenario guidelines.

Scenario round 3 - The Relic (6pts) and Big Guns Never Tire (4pts): Vanguard Strike Deployment. There are always 4 objectives for Big Guns Never Tire. See scenario guidelines.

Scenario 4 - Crusade (6pts) and Emperor’s Will (4pts): Dawn of War deployment. There are always 3 Crusade Objectives placed outside of either player’s deployment zone. Emperor’s Will objectives are placed in each player’s own deployment zone.

Scenario 5 - Purge the Alien (6pts) and The Scouring (4pts): Vanguard Strike Deployment. There are always 6 objectives for The Scouring, 2 of which must always go outside either player’s deployment zone. See scenario guidelines.

7. WHFB rules set

6.1 Admitted armies

No more than 2.400 points may be spent on the army using one standard army list.
Armies must follow the restrictions on Army selection of the basic Rulebook and their own army book and errata’s, with the inclusion of the following points.
Special Characters are NOT allowed!

Magic Users must choose their Lore(s) of Magic for the entire tournament, not per battle!

Item restrictions: Folding Fortress is not allowed

Units cannot exceed more than 450 points (except for characters) and units cannot consist of more than 50 models on the roster at the start of the battle (characters exempt of course).

Characters will get "look out sir" versus the following spells that automatically kill models or automatically remove an entire regiment: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th, Infernal Gateway 11-12 effect. Normal requirements for lookout sir apply.

Only armies listed in this rules pack may be used in the Ranking Tournament.

Options and upgrades chosen from the army list must be shown on all models in a unit. The only possible exception to this is when the Armybook specifically excludes this. Magic items (such as Dispel Scrolls) or other obviously concealed options do not need to be shown on your models.

Each army is limited to the troops specifically permitted by its list.

When multiple versions of a rule or army book exist, use the most recent version, as long as it was published at least one month prior to the tournament, so the new empire book is in effect.

The appropriate army book overrides the rules in the rulebook unless this has been amended in an official Errata or if it contradicts this rules pack. When in doubt, contact the Tournament organizers as soon as possible or ask the Tournament referees. The referees' decision is always final.
The workshop website in use. We ask everyone the bring along the latest Faq’s for their armybook, so discussions can be solved without the consultation of a judge. 1 copy of all Faq’s and errata will be available at the main tournament desk. Referees set up the scenery for the battle and it may not be moved or changed. If the scenery needs changing, call one of the referees to assist. Wood Elves players are exempt from this ruling, provided they restore the natural order after their battle, like any good Wood Elf would!

6.2 Admitted armies

Warhammer Armies: Beastmen
Warhammer Armies: Brettonnia
Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos
Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves
Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs
Warhammer Armies: Empire
Warhammer Armies: High Elves
Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen
Warhammer Armies: Ogre Kingdoms
Warhammer Armies: Orcs and Goblins
Warhammer Armies: Skaven
Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings
Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts
Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos
Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves
Warhammer Armies: Chaos Dwarfs ( Tamurkhan rules, a copy of the rules must be available for the opponent!)
Warhammer Armies: Dogs of War (see chronicles 2004)

6.3 Basic Commodities

The following special rules apply to ALL scenarios:

Dead or Fled
The King is Dead
Seized Standards
Underdog Challenge

Victory points will be scored as explained in the victory points chart above, with the exceptions that:

units that are at 25% or less of their original models yield 50% VP's to the opponent (this includes characters, monsters and handlers, war machines and single models).
units that are fleeing at the end of the battle yield 50% VP's to the opponent.

In both cases, bonuses (for generals, banners, etc.) are counted towards the 50%.

6.4 Battle scenario’s

ROUND 1: Dawn Attack (page 145, Basic Rulebook).

ROUND 2: Battleline (page 144, Basic Rulebook).

ROUND 3: Surprise encounter (page 389, Basic Rulebook).

ROUND 4: Meeting engagement (page 149, Basic Rulebook).

ROUND 5: Blood and Glory (page 148, Basic Rulebook).

In this round the battle does not end when one army hits its breaking point. Instead the following consequences will be affecting the breaking army:

All leadership tests, including break tests are at an additional -2 ( this includes stubborn units).
Units may not use the General’s ‘Inspiring Presence’ special rule.
Units may not use the Battle Standard Bearer’s ‘Hold Your Ground’ special rule.
Units cannot claim steadfast anymore.

7. Contact, Questions, Subscription:

All subscriptions, army-lists or further questions can be sent via email to rankingdernederlanden@gmail.com. All the info can also be found on our website: www.rankingdernederlanden.eu.

Remember THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: You are playing to enjoy a challenging battle, where having fun and keeping to the spirit of the game is more important than using any means to win. A game of Warhammer Fantasy or 40K should always be fun for both players. Abuse will not be tolerated, and any win at all costs mentalities are best checked at the door! We reserve the right to boot any player from the tournament without prior notice if the boundaries of being a gentlemen and sportsman are crossed.

Although major changes will not be made to the rulespack, we’re always open to suggestions. These can be sent to our mail-address: rankingdernederlanden@gmail.com.

A topic will be opened on our website where all questions regarding the rulespack, accommodation,.. can be posted. We will try to answer these questions on a regular basis.

Have fun, and hope to see you there!

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