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NTRv3.0 France - The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles Place 71 - Christophe aka "carcris" from FFontaines sur Saone

Christophe made following placements at T9A-tournaments in France...

Valued tournaments (The 5 best by PP. Then PP * WF = NP applies.):
5Bienvenue au Mootland XI TerF69560 St ColombeSylvan Elves2023-07-02526856.25%+0%35.2524%8.46
3Tournoi du nain Gros-Gnon XVIF01700 NeyronSylvan Elves2023-11-19244875%+0%32.8722%7.23
8Stone Age 3 - TeamF63360 GerzatDwarven Holds2022-09-18808031.64%+0%15.8620%3.17
7tournoi du nain Gros-Gnons XVF01700 NeyronSylvan Elves2022-10-23345731.64%+0%14.7618%2.66
16INTER-RÉGIONS T9A 2021 - TeamF36000 ChâteaurouxDwarven Holds2021-12-122688517.8%+0%9.8916%1.58
More tournaments:
3Mootland Team Championship 3 - TeamF69560 Sainte ColombeKingdom of Equitaine2021-06-20727713.35%+2%9.13--
1La Mootlette de printemps - TeamF38200 VienneSylvan Elves2022-03-27143423.73%+10%8.53--
13Tournoi du Nain Gros-Gnons XIVF01700 NeyronKingdom of Equitaine2021-11-21285217.8%+0%5.14--
12Tournoi du nain Gros-Gnon XIIIF01700 NeyronSylvan Elves2019-11-1748664.22%+0%2.14--
16Bellum Lacum IV - TeamF74140 DouvaineSylvan Elves2020-01-2696845.63%+0%1.67--
29th-Givors en Jeu en Doublette - TeamF69700 GivorsSylvan Elves2019-04-1428523.17%+0%1.49--
13La joute du DOC 2019 - TeamF68720 ZillisheimSylvan Elves2019-10-2780804.22%+0%1.26--
7Tournoi Interrégions 9eme Age 2018 - TeamF24430 Marsac Sur L'isleSylvan Elves2018-06-17216851.78%+0%1.24--
22Tournoi du NAIN GROS-GNONS XIIF01700 NeyronSylvan Elves2018-11-1851682.38%+0%0.94--
6Mootland Team Championship - TeamF69700 GivorsSylvan Elves2018-02-0472771.34%+0%0.56--
1Confrontations dans les mondes fantastiquesF69003 LyonSylvan Elves2018-05-069231.78%+20%0.49--
29Tournoi du NAIN GROS-GNON XIF01700 NeyronSylvan Elves2017-11-1976781%+0%0.49--
9Tournoi Inter-Région de 9e Âge - 2017 - TeamF24430 PérigueuxSylvan Elves2017-06-18192850.75%+0%0.47--
4Bloody Sunday VIIF69007 LyonSylvan Elves2018-09-0914341.78%+0%0.47--
6Tournoi du nain Gros-Gnon XF01700 NeyronSylvan Elves2016-11-2068750.56%+0%0.39--
7KUMITE II : Black Dragon - Lyon War ClubF69007 LyonSylvan Elves2017-03-0516370.75%+0%0.17--
22Le Kumité III : La Rage de Chong Li - Lyon War ClubF69007 LyonSylvan Elves2017-09-1030531%+0%0.15--
79ème Age - First BloodF69007 LyonSylvan Elves2016-05-0518400.42%+0%0.11--
21InterRégion 9th 2016 - TeamF26000 ValenceSylvan Elves2016-06-19168850.42%+0%0.10--
8Double Clash V - TeamF69007 LyonSylvan Elves2016-09-1820430.56%+0%0.06--
Additional NTR-placements:
* 214. Place in the WHFB-ranking of FFrance
* 88. Place in the T9A-ranking of Europe
* 585. Place in the WHFB-ranking of Europe
PT = Number of participants
TP = Tournament points
TF = Time factor
PB = Placement bonus
PP = Player points (depending on placement and TF)
WF = Weighting factor
NP = valued NTR-Points

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