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NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - Team Up Tonic

1.Guitar gansters & cadillac blood
Wilfried aka "tueury"FAmphion Les BainsSlaves to Darkness
Thibault aka "DuckMcOtter"FBons En ChablaisGrand Alliance Chaos
2.Dead Panzer
Pierre aka "K-you"FAnnecySoulblight Gravelords
John aka "Grondar"FAnnecyCities of Sigmar
3.Les faisans dont un gros
Edouard aka "Altharen"FArgonaySylvaneth
Christophe aka "Prorok"FAnnecyNighthaunt
4.La dernière chance
Valérie aka "Valouu"FContamine Sur ArveNighthaunt
(anonym)Idoneth Deepkin
5.Maison atréides
Théo aka "YuriGargarin"FSallanchesOssiarch Bonereapers
Maxence aka "Max74"FContamine-Sur-ArveSeraphon
Tanguy aka "Tansh"FFillingesGloomspite Gitz
Yohan aka "Yoanito"FReignierFlesh-eater Courts
7.Morback's 2.0
Thibault aka "Petitefleur"F613 Bd MassenetGrand Alliance Death
Lartaun aka "Yoho"FAnnecySoulblight Gravelords
8.Servis par Warda
Victor aka "Vagard"FNangyGrand Alliance Order
Arnaud aka "NoirFluo"FReignierBlades of Khorne
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