NTRv3.0 - Tournament Results - X-Wing - Turnier - Duisburg - Roskothen - SC 2016
Placement | Name | Origin | Army |
1. | Kai aka "T_K" | | Rebel Alliance |
2. | Michael aka "Chaosbiene" | | Galactic Empire |
3. | Mathias aka "Fleckfieber" | | Scum and Villainy |
4. | Christoph aka "TheApprentice" | | Scum and Villainy |
5. | Arne aka "Platzhirsch" | | Scum and Villainy |
6. | Nils aka "Gipsylon" | | Scum and Villainy |
7. | Thorsten aka "Migi" | | Galactic Empire |
8. | Guido aka "Overburn" | | Scum and Villainy |
9. | Matthias aka "M_Leichenberg" | | Galactic Empire |
10. | Björn aka "Superwaldi" | | Rebel Alliance |
11. | Martin aka "TKundNobody" | | Rebel Alliance |
12. | Martin aka "Space_Samurai" | | Scum and Villainy |
13. | Thorsten aka "sune" | | Rebel Alliance |
14. | Vincenz aka "ODD" | | Rebel Alliance |
15. | (anonym) | | Galactic Empire |
16. | Mark aka "Bikersau" | | Galactic Empire |
17. | Horst-Dieter aka "HDdeJonge" | | Rebel Alliance |
18. | Kay aka "Bonzo" | | Rebel Alliance |
19. | Raphael aka "TharGORE" | | Rebel Alliance |
20. | Kevin aka "Backfire84" | | Scum and Villainy |