T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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ETR - Tournament Results - SparrenCon Turnier

1.(anonym)Rebel Alliance
1.(anonym)Rebel Alliance
2.Volker aka "KitingDude"DBielefeldGalactic Empire
4.David aka "Neroks"DBielefeldRebel Alliance
5.(anonym)Galactic Empire
6.Christoph aka "Icaa"DLangenbergScum and Villainy
7.Jörg aka "Raven"DPaderbornRebel Alliance
8.(anonym)Galactic Empire
11.Marcus aka "Kaiserschnitte"DGüterslohRebel Alliance
12.Michael aka "Freed"DOttensteinScum and Villainy
13.Christoph aka "Ganondorf"DPaderbornRebel Alliance
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