T³ - TableTop Tournaments
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ETR - Tournament Results - Kings of LTC

1.Julien aka "MrK"FLe PeyratGoblins
1.Guillaume aka "Pi-ngue"FLabegeElves
2.Michel aka "Kutchuc"FToulouseUndead
3.Florian aka "CdtK"FFonbeauzardKingdoms of Men
3.Matthieu aka "Zeus"FEscalquensVarangur
4.Thierry ?.FUndead
4.Luc aka "Astrabell"FPinsaguelSalamanders
5.Christophe aka "franchetaille"FPuybegonDwarfs
6.David aka "Dav0r"FCastelnaudaryUndead
7.Thomas aka "morkern"FMontautElves
8.Cécile aka "CrazyPuce"FL'unionForces of Nature
9.Jean-Michel aka "vaudania"FLyonOgres
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