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Bloody Valentine Thunderbolts Charity Tournament - Informationen und Regeln

This is a special 2-man team tournament where all money raised during the day, including the entrance fees, will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Organisation Belgium. All price support for this tournament is donated by Privateer Press, Press Ganger, Players and Sponsors. The entrance fee is 10€ per team and 3 battles are played using a special scenario made especially for this tournament. As this is a charity tournament (like Foodmachine in the USA) the rulespack for this tournament is different from other WarmaHordes Tournaments and is based on "fun" instead of "competition" and the possibilities to circumvent certain rules for donations. The full rulespack can be found on http://users.telenet.be/cybercaveman/dump/Rulespack%20Bloody%20Valentine%20final.pdf
There will be room for 24 teams! So if you want to give for charity and have a fun time playing WarmaHordes at the same time, join us on the 15th of February in Ghent!

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