T³ - TableTop Turniere
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NTRv3.0 - Turnierergebnisse - Les joutes du dé XIII

1.Julien aka "lafrite"FNeuilly Sur SeineHighborn Elves
2.Xavier aka "Biboun_Slayer"DMannheimKingdom of Equitaine
3.Cyril aka "Pepito"FVersaillesKingdom of Equitaine
4.Stéphane aka "NevaR"FBpvVampire Covenant
5.Mickael aka "Mykeul"Fsaint fargeau ponthierryEmpire of Sonnstahl
6.Fabrice aka "Mc_Khaine"FOrvilliersVampire Covenant
7.Antoine aka "Leovric"FParisKingdom of Equitaine
8.Fred aka "Ghal_Maraz"FPuiseauxOgre Khans
9.Sébastien aka "sebi93"FChellesWarriors of the Dark Gods
10.Fabrice aka "Kronkhar"VersaillesOrcs and Goblins
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