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ETR Europa - The 9th Age: Fantasy Battles Platz 446 - Loick aka "logik" aus BBruxelles

Loick hat folgende Plätze auf T9A-Turnieren in Europa belegt...

Gewertete Turniere (Die 5 besten nach SP. Dann gilt SP * WF = NP.):
15INTER-RÉGIONS T9A 2021 - TeamF36000 ChâteaurouxInfernal Dwarves12.12.212688513.35%+0%7.6724%1.84
1Hasard Ludique - Ninth Age 8B7000 MonsInfernal Dwarves20.11.21143410.01%+20%4.0822%0.90
1T9A Day à UtopolysF59370 Mons En BaroeulKingdom of Equitaine22.05.2116377.51%+20%3.3320%0.67
5Luxembourg Bash Master IV - TeamL1469 LuxembourgKingdom of Equitaine01.03.20120853.17%+0%2.1918%0.40
13Le Fameux Wavrin - TeamF59136 WavrinInfernal Dwarves13.02.22647413.35%+0%2.1216%0.34
Weitere Turniere:
8BeLaMa 2020 - Die Zweite - TeamD52372 KreuzauKingdom of Equitaine26.01.20112853.17%+0%1.98--
3Battincourt summer BashB6792 BattincourtVampire Covenant08.08.2022454.22%+0%1.72--
5Belgian Mercenaries Team Tournament Round 2 - TeamB4020 LiègeKingdom of Equitaine17.11.1970763.17%+0%1.64--
2Challenge XIV - Fantasy Battles: The Ninth AgeB8800 RoeselareKingdom of Equitaine28.09.1932552.38%+15%1.45--
3Tower conquest The 9th Age 3ème éditionB7800 AthKingdom of Equitaine27.10.1932552.38%+0%1.22--
10Inter-Régions The Ninth Age 2019 - TeamF59136 WavrinKingdom of Equitaine26.05.19204851.78%+0%1.09--
5Luxembourg Autumn Bash - TeamL1490 LuxembourgOrcs and Goblins12.10.1942632.38%+0%1.02--
1Doublette d'Avril des Halflings - TeamF59370 Mons-En-BaroeulBeast Herds13.04.1924481.78%+10%0.92--
1Belgian Mercenaries Team Tournament - TeamB1050 IxellesKingdom of Equitaine25.11.1848661.34%+5%0.90--
10Belgian Mercenaries Challenge 2 - 9th Age goes to @HappyDésB7000 MonsOrcs and Goblins30.06.1930532.38%+0%0.87--
12Tournoi Interrégions 9eme Age 2018 - TeamF24430 Marsac Sur L'isleKingdom of Equitaine17.06.18216851%+0%0.58--
1Skull Island Saison 2 9thageB1000 BruxellesOrcs and Goblins04.08.198202.38%+20%0.57--
9Myreille Strategic Team III - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqInfernal Dwarves27.01.1956701.78%+0%0.49--
4Journée The Ninth Age Triplette - TeamF59167 LallaingOrcs and Goblins23.03.1924481.78%+0%0.48--
6Luxembourg Bash Master 9th age 2nd Edition - TeamL1469 LuxembourgBeast Herds18.03.1890830.75%+0%0.43--
6Belgian Mercenaries Challenge 1 @BrusselsB1050 IxellesKingdom of Equitaine02.06.1828521%+0%0.42--
5Hasard Ludique - Ninth Age 5B7000 MonsKingdom of Equitaine06.01.1918401.34%+0%0.41--
4Myreille Strategic Teams II - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqKingdom of Equitaine28.01.1848660.75%+0%0.35--
5Tournoi 9th Age Tour d'EbèneB7800 AthKingdom of Equitaine25.06.1743640.56%+0%0.33--
39th Age Brussels Community Bash 1 - TeamB1050 IxellesInfernal Dwarves04.11.1728520.75%+0%0.33--
8Myreille Strategic Tournament 2F59650 Villeneuve D'ascqKingdom of Equitaine26.11.1732550.75%+0%0.32--
1Doublette chez les Halflings ! - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqOgre Khans09.09.1728520.56%+10%0.32--
2Benelux Cup - TeamL1490 LuxembourgBeast Herds10.02.1832550.75%+2%0.26--
39th Age-PARIS TAVERN MASTERS II - TeamF75006 ParisKingdom of Equitaine03.12.1730530.75%+0%0.23--
6Conquest 2017B9200 Dendermonde16.07.1726500.56%+0%0.23--
1Hasard Ludique - Ninth Age 2B7000 MonsKingdom of Equitaine03.06.1712300.56%+20%0.20--
18Luxembourg Bash Master 9th age III - TeamL1469 LuxembourgBeast Herds10.03.19100851.78%+0%0.18--
21Tournoi Inter-Région de 9e Âge - 2017 - TeamF24430 PérigueuxKingdom of Equitaine18.06.17192850.56%+0%0.17--
2Old World 9thage Saison 1B1000 BruxellesSaurian Ancients21.01.1810250.75%+0%0.17--
19th age v1.2B4500 HuyDwarven Holds03.12.1620430.32%+20%0.16--
7Pink Horde tornooi: Part 1B8800 RoeselareDwarven Holds18.02.1726500.42%+0%0.16--
6Myreille Strategic Team - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqDwarven Holds29.01.1748660.42%+0%0.15--
4DAWN OF WAAAGH !!F75006 ParisKingdom of Equitaine31.07.1624480.32%+0%0.13--
59ème Age d'ébène Round 1B7800 AthKingdom of Equitaine26.06.1638600.24%+0%0.13--
4Hasard Ludique - Ninth Age 3B7000 MonsBeast Herds16.09.1712300.56%+0%0.12--
14Doublette T9A chez les Halflings ! - TeamF59650 Villeneuve D'ascqKingdom of Equitaine08.09.1832551.34%+0%0.11--
1115th Conflict WHFB 9th EdB3200 GelrodeKingdom of Equitaine17.04.1626500.24%+0%0.07--
7Hobby One The Ninth Age Round 1B4500 HuyKingdom of Equitaine15.10.1616370.32%+0%0.07--
9Hobby One The Ninth Age Round 3 - TeamB4500 HuyKingdom of Equitaine15.04.1724480.42%+0%0.06--
24InterRégion 9th 2016 - TeamF26000 ValenceKingdom of Equitaine19.06.16168850.24%+0%0.03--
21Luxembourg Bash Master 9th age - TeamL1469 LuxembourgKingdom of Equitaine19.03.1788820.42%+0%0.02--
Weitere ETR-Platzierungen:
* 315. Platz im WHFB-Ranking von Europa
* 8897. Platz im W40K-Ranking von Europa
* 14. Platz im WHFB-Ranking von BBelgien
* 48. Platz im T9A-Ranking von BBelgien
* 59. Platz im T9A-Ranking von LLuxemburg
* 299. Platz im T9A-Ranking von DDeutschland
* 360. Platz im T9A-Ranking von FFrankreich
* 671. Platz im W40K-Ranking von BBelgien
* Hobby One The Ninth Age Round 1: player-award-specialSonderpreis - Merci de l'orga pour la partie
* Skull Island Saison 2 9thage: player-award-bestgeneralBester General
TN = Anzahl der Teilnehmer
TP = Turnierpunkte
ZF = Zeitfaktor
PB = Platzierungsbonus
SP = Spielerpunkte (abhängig von Platzierung und ZF)
WF = Wertungsfaktor
EP = gewertete ETR-Punkte

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