T³ - TableTop Turniere
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ETR - Turnierergebnisse - War Brocken VII: Weihnachtsprügelei

1.Günter aka "Champ"DWalsrodeCryx
2.Philipp aka "Brezel"DWalsrodeLegion of Everblight
3.Thomas aka "Theussner79"DOchtrupCygnar
4.Benjamin aka "katarrah"DScheeßelThe Circle Orboros
5.Dominik aka "bounce"DBurgwedelTrollblood
6.Frontkommandeur aka "Aufs_Maul"DBremenProtectorate of Menoth
7.Kevin aka "Nox"DBerlinLegion of Everblight
8.Jonas aka "AllinonTrolls"DBerlinTrollblood
9.Christian aka "Gru"DHannoverRetribution of Scyrah
10.Gxxxxxe aka "swordfish"DHamburgCygnar
11.Leif aka "Jabbaalot"DLüneburgProtectorate of Menoth
12.Jan aka "Gwydion"DHamburgRetribution of Scyrah
13.Lenny aka "Potter"DWedelRetribution of Scyrah
14.Tom aka "Gorkul"DBerlinThe Circle Orboros
15.(anonym)Protectorate of Menoth
16.Christoph aka "Arrogantcat"DSeesenLegion of Everblight
17.Chrissy aka "Welpenwuerger"DBremenCryx
18.Peter aka "ElErecose"DHamburgCygnar
19.Richard aka "Richard_"DHamburgCygnar
21.Patrick aka "HH-Jester"DHamburgThe Skorne
22.Timm aka "Macallen"DHannoverProtectorate of Menoth
23.Bernd aka "cornh0lio"DDülmenRetribution of Scyrah
24.Maximilian aka "Grave_Danger"DHannoverKhador
25.Guido aka "Gitzbang"DHamburgLegion of Everblight
26.Walter aka "PasstSchon"DTeuchernThe Skorne
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