Player Profile - gwheale
Player Profile |
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Games | Tournaments | Player's Awards | Rankings | Friends |
Battlefleet Gothic:
Blood Bowl (17000000 Points):
- Amazons - 1000000 Points
- Chaos - 1000000 Points
- Chaos Dwarfs - 1000000 Points
- Dark Elves - 1000000 Points
- Dwarves - 1000000 Points
- Goblins - 1000000 Points
- Halfings - 1000000 Points
- High Elves - 1000000 Points
- Humans - 1000000 Points
- Khemri - 1000000 Points
- Lizardmen - 1000000 Points
- Norse - 1000000 Points
- Ogres - 1000000 Points
- Orcs - 1000000 Points
- Skaven - 1000000 Points
- Undead - 1000000 Points
- Wood Elves - 1000000 Points
Man O'War (18525 Points):
- Bretonnian Fleet - 2500 Points
- Dwarf Fleet - 3500 Points
- Elf Fleet - 2500 Points
- Imperial Fleet - 3500 Points
- Khorne Fleet - 1000 Points
- Nurgle Fleet - 750 Points
- Plaguefleet - 2500 Points
- Skaven Fleet - 1250 Points
- Slaaneshi Fleet - 675 Points
- Tzeentch Fleet - 350 Points
Necromunda (7000 Points):
- House Delaque - 1200 Points
- House Escher - 1200 Points
- House Goliath - 1200 Points
- House Orlock - 1200 Points
- House Van Saar - 1200 Points
- Spyre Hunters - 1000 Points
Warhammer 40K (15000 Points):
- Dark Angels - 3000 Points
- Eldar - 4000 Points
- Orks - 3000 Points
- Space Marines - 5000 Points
Warhammer Fantasy Battles (5000 Points):
- Dwarfs - 3000 Points
- Orcs & Goblins - 2000 Points
Total: 6 Games, 40 Armies, 17045525 Points
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